Hank Swiss leaks

Hank Swiss Watches: Most Robbed Swiss Watches, A Detailed Report

The Most Robbed Swiss Watches Report

Key Highlights

In 2022, the theft and loss of watches hit over £1 billion ($1.3 billion), showing a huge jump of 60% from the year before. The Watch Register, which helps watch owners and auction houses get back stolen items, found that around 80,000 watches were reported missing or stolen altogether.

With their high value and status symbol appeal, luxury watches have become a major draw for sophisticated thieves operating across borders. These criminals see these expensive pieces as big opportunities to make money.

At the top of thieves’ lists is Rolex, making up 44% of all thefts. Other brands like Omega, Cartier, and Patek Philippe are also highly sought after by criminals. This growing trend highlights just how risky it is to own such valuable items without proper security measures in place.

The reasons behind more watch thefts include a strong market for reselling them worldwide demand,and their popularity not just as fancy accessories but also as investments or collectibles worth collecting.London saw more than 6 thousand luxury timepieces taken in one year period alone.But this problem isn’t only happening there; cities globally are facing similar issues with increased robberies involving watches.

It’s not just celebrities or people always in the public eye who need to worry anymore.Thieves have broadened their horizons,targeting regular folks too.And with social media platforms,it’s become easier for these bad guys to spot potential victims along with what kindof pricey wristwear they might be flaunting online

Because there’s been such an uptickin incidents,luxurywatch companiesare steppingup.They’re putting together thingslike protection programs againsttheftand creatingonline databases.This way,customer scan registertheirwatches,makingit easierto help police track down anythatgetsnatched


Swiss watches are really valued in the luxury goods market, and lots of people want them. But this also means they catch the eye of thieves. In recent years, there’s been a big increase in thefts involving these fancy Swiss brands all over the world, including in Switzerland itself. Thieves, especially those working together in groups, have been going after both folks who collect these watches and stores that sell them. For watch owners to keep their pricey pieces safe, it’s important to know how these thieves operate and what trends are happening now when it comes to stolen Swiss watches.

Overview of Swiss Watch Theft Trends

In recent years, there’s been a big jump in luxury watch theft. Thieves all over the world are setting their sights on Swiss watches, with Rolex being the most targeted brand, followed by Omega and Breitling. Watch robberies have gone up a lot, causing people who own these expensive pieces to lose out big time. Through social media platforms, crooks find folks with fancy watch collections and target them. On top of that, international criminal networks are getting in on this action too, making it really tough for the cops to keep up. The whole luxury watch industry is now having to be super careful and come up with new ways to stop these thieves from getting ahead because of this surge in thefts.

Rising Robbers Incidents of Swiss Watch Thefts Globally

Lately, there’s been a big jump in the number of thefts of fancy Swiss watches all over the world. It seems like these crimes are happening everywhere, not just in one place. What’s more, it looks like groups of criminals who work together across countries are behind this. They’re using places like social media platforms to pick out people they want to steal from. With all this going on, it’s clear that folks making and selling these watches need to really step up their game when it comes to keeping things safe because this problem is getting bigger every day.

Common Tactics Used by Thieves

Thieves have a bunch of tricks up their sleeves when it comes to stealing luxury watches. One way they do this is by using distraction methods, where they catch your attention with something else and then quietly take the watch off your wrist. Then there’s the “snatch and grab” technique, which is exactly what it sounds like – they quickly snatch the watch and run away. Some are even crafty enough to swap out real watches with fake ones or pretend they want to buy them just so they can steal during viewings. With advancements in technology, some thieves go as far as tracking people on social media to figure out when someone won’t be home, making it easier for them to target those high-value items without anyone around.

Top Targeted Swiss Watch Brands

Rolex, known for its famous name and the ability to sell it again at a high price, often catches the eye of thieves. On the other hand, Patek Philippe is also highly sought after by criminals because of its detailed designs and top-notch quality. These two are always on top when talking about Swiss watch brands that attract those looking to steal watches with significant worth. The charm of these luxury timepieces makes them more likely to be stolen and reported to The Watch Register’s database in the world market for fancy watches.

Brand 1: Rolex – A Prime Target

Rolex watches are a big deal for thieves all around the world, making them a top pick to steal. With their fancy look and high price tag, it’s no wonder they catch the eye of people looking to make some quick money. Even though there are efforts to keep these watches safe, their fame and how much they’re worth on the down-low market makes them too tempting for crooks. Every year, this leads to a lot of stolen Rolexes because of how well-known and desired these Swiss timepieces are, as seen in the 60% jump in reported thefts in the release published on Monday by The Watch Register.

Brand 2: Patek Philippe’s Appeal to Thieves

Patek Philippe watches are seen as a big deal in the world of fancy watches, making them a prime target for thieves. In recent years, there’s been more stealing of these timepieces because they’re known to be timeless and worth a lot. With their detailed workmanship, one-of-a-kind styles, and not many being made, it’s no wonder criminals go after them hoping to make some money off these luxury items that carry considerable value.

Notorious Heists: Case Studies

Two famous examples of luxury watch theft are The Great Geneva Heist and The Daring Daylight Robbery in Paris. In the case of Geneva, thieves got past strong security measures to steal lots of expensive watches. On the other hand, during a bold robbery in Paris, criminals showed their guts by stealing in broad daylight. These well-known incidents highlight how clever and brave these crooks can be when pulling off such crimes involving high-end timepieces.

The Great Geneva Heist

In the fancy world of expensive watches, there’s one story that really sticks out – it’s called the Great Geneva Heist. This theft wasn’t just any ordinary crime; it was carefully thought out and happened in the middle of the day, which left everyone who makes and sells watches totally shocked. The robbers were bold enough to hit a luxury store and managed to steal a bunch of really sought-after watches. What made this heist so shocking to people all over the world was how cleverly these criminals planned everything to get their hands on those valuable Swiss timepieces, shaking up the whole watch industry with their actions.

The Daring Daylight Robbery in Paris

Last year, in Paris during the day, some bold thieves hit a fancy watch store and stole many expensive watches, including the popular Swiss watch brand Tag Heuer. Caught on security cameras, this robbery showed just how daring these criminals can be when stealing watches. This event, along with others in recent years, really shows why places known for selling high-end watches, such as Tag Heuer, need to step up their security to fight against such crimes effectively.

Impact on the Luxury Watch Market

The theft of fancy watches is causing a big stir in how the market works. With more stolen watches popping up, insurance costs are going up and policies are changing, which impacts everyone buying or selling these items. On top of that, with so many stolen timepieces being sold again, it’s getting harder to tell if a watch is genuine or not. This makes people trust the luxury watch scene less and shakes things up for everyone involved, including the impact on the luxury watch market as reported by Bloomberg’s Subdial Watch Index. The watch industry needs to tackle these problems head-on to keep its good name and make sure high-end watches stay respected.

Effects on Insurance Premiums and Policies

With the rise in luxury watch theft, insurance companies are feeling the pinch. Because of a higher number of thefts, they’re dealing with more claims from watch owners. This situation has led to pricier premiums for those who own these fancy timepieces. On top of that, getting coverage now means you have to provide lots of paperwork and prove you really own your watch. Insurers are having to look again at how risky it is to cover these items due to the surge in robberies, making policy terms tougher as a way to tackle this increasing problem.

Secondary Market Surge and Authentication Challenges

When stolen watches show up in the secondary market, it becomes a lot harder to tell if they’re legit. People buying these watches might end up with stolen ones without even knowing because checking them properly isn’t always easy. The Watch Register tries to help by marking which watches are stolen, but sometimes things slip through the cracks. With more and more sales happening online recently, it’s become super important for anyone looking to buy a watch to really look into its history and make sure everything checks out before handing over their money.

Protecting Your Valuables: Tips from Experts

To keep your watch collection safe, think about getting a really good safe. It’s also smart to use a watch register that helps you keep an eye on your watches and scares off thieves. When it comes to social media platforms, be careful not to share too much info about your fancy watches. Putting in top-notch alarm systems and cameras around your house can help too. Make sure you know how much your watches are worth now and then so you have the right insurance for them. Be extra careful when you’re traveling with any expensive timepieces. And always try to stay one step ahead by knowing what tricks thieves might try next, so you can protect all those valuable items of yours better.

Security Measures for Individual Collectors

For those who collect fancy watches, there are a bunch of ways to keep them safe. It’s really important to get some top-notch security stuff like alarm systems that check every possible way someone could break in and have sensors for broken glass. Also, getting a high security safe is key. You’ll want one that’s so tough it would take a thief at least 30 minutes to crack open.

When you’re out and about with your expensive watches, try not to show them off too much. If you’ve got several with you while traveling, put them in a plain-looking case and always carry it with you instead of checking it in. This helps make sure they stay right by your side where they belong.

Technological Solutions for Theft Prevention

Tech tools are super important in stopping stolen watches. For example, there’s this thing called The Watch Register where watch owners and people who sell watches can list and look up lost or stolen ones by their serial numbers. This is really handy because it helps cops from different places work together to find these missing timepieces.

On top of that, some big-name brands are doing their part too. Audemars Piguet gives its customers a safety net with theft protection included in their free two-year service plan, meaning they’ll either replace your watch or give you your money back if it gets stolen. Then there’s Richemont which has set up Enquirus, another no-cost option for folks to register and track down lost or swiped watches and jewelry. It’s especially good for keeping things safer when buying pre-owned items.

Legal and Insurance Considerations

When someone steals a watch, it’s not just about the loss of a valuable item. Watch owners have to deal with both legal issues and insurance matters. If your watch gets stolen, you should tell the police right away and give them all the details they need like serial numbers and proof that you own the watch. This helps in getting back your stolen watches and catching whoever took them. On top of this, you can ask your insurance company for help so you might get back what your watch was worth. For this step, having clear records such as how much you paid for the watch or its value assessed by an expert is really important to make sure your insurance claim goes smoothly.

Navigating Insurance Claims for Stolen Watches

When dealing with insurance claims for stolen watches, it’s really important that the original owner hands over all the needed paperwork to back up their claim. This means showing proof that you own the watch, like receipts or bills from when you bought it, and also any papers showing how much it’s worth. On top of this, be ready to describe your watch in detail – what brand and model it is, its serial number, and anything special about it like marks or designs. By working well with your insurance company and giving them clear and quick information can make things move faster in getting back what your stolen watch was worth.

Legal Recourse for Victims of Watch Theft

People who have had their watches stolen can take legal steps to try and get them back and make sure the thieves face consequences. With watch theft, the first thing you should do is tell the police about it. Give them all the details they need like what your watch looks like and its serial number. The police will then look into it, trying to find your stolen watch. It’s really important for victims to work closely with the cops, giving them any extra info or clues that could help catch the thief. In some situations, these efforts pay off when stolen watches are found and given back to their owners while those who took them might end up being charged for theft.

The Role of Social Media and Online Platforms

Social media sites and websites where you can buy and sell things have a big part in the theft of watches. Thieves look for people to rob by using social media, finding out who has expensive watches. By keeping an eye on what people post online, they figure out who owns fancy watches and then make plans to steal from them. These thieves also use places on the internet where you can sell stuff to get rid of stolen watches, making money off their bad deeds. It’s really important for folks who own nice watches to be careful about what personal details they share online and not show off their pricey timepieces on these platforms, so they don’t become easy targets for crooks.

How Thieves Use Social Media to Target Victims

Thieves are getting smart by using social media platforms to find out who has expensive watches. They keep an eye on people’s posts to see who shows off luxury watches, talks about their travel plans in detail, or gives away signs of having a lot of money and maybe being easy to rob. With this info, thieves can figure out the best way to steal from these watch owners without much trouble. It’s really important for folks with fancy watches to be careful about what they put online and think about tightening up their privacy settings so not everyone can see their personal information. By paying attention to what they share on social media, watch owners can lower the chances of attracting unwanted attention from thieves.

Selling Stolen Goods: The Dark Side of Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces have become spots where stolen watches are often sold. Thieves find it easy to put up these stolen items for sale, pretending they’re just regular sellers. With the cover of being anonymous and able to reach people all over the world, it’s tough for anyone to keep an eye on or control this illegal activity. Sometimes, buyers might end up buying these stolen watches without even knowing they’re part of a crime circle. To stop this from happening, online platforms need to tighten their rules and check more carefully who’s selling what. They should make sure that every seller is legit and every watch is real before letting them sell anything. For folks looking into buying luxury watches online, sticking with well-known sellers or going directly through authorized dealers could save them from accidentally supporting theft.

Global Hotspots for Swiss Watch Theft

In several places around the world, especially in big cities like London and Los Angeles, stealing Swiss watches is a big problem. These places draw thieves because there are lots of people with fancy watches, rich areas, and bad guys from all over working together. The reasons why these thefts happen include that some watches can be sold for a lot of money easily, certain models are really wanted but hard to find in stores, and luxury watches are seen as valuable items that can be quickly turned into cash. If you own one of these expensive timepieces in such areas, it’s important to be extra careful and take steps to keep your watch safe from being stolen.

Cities and Locations with High Theft Rates

In recent years, cities like Los Angeles and London have seen a lot of Swiss luxury watches getting stolen. Specifically in London, there were more than 6,000 fancy watches reported as taken in 2022 alone. This info comes from Watchfinder & Co., a group that knows a lot about the watch industry. Over on the west coast, Los Angeles hasn’t been lucky either; they’ve had their share of problems with thefts going up by 30% from January 2022 to November 2023 when you compare it to the year before that period. A big reason why these places are hit hard is because lots of people who own these expensive timepieces live there, plus some really wealthy areas attract thieves like magnets do iron filings. Also not helping matters is how international criminal networks seem to be involved too. So if you’re someone living in these spots with a nice watch on your wrist or tucked away at home, it’s smart to be extra careful and make sure your treasures are safe and sound.

Analyzing the Risk Factors

There are a few reasons why Swiss watches get stolen so much. For starters, they’re really wanted in the places where people sell things again for more money than in regular stores. Because some of these watches aren’t easy to find, everyone wants them even more once they hit this resale market, making thieves want to grab them. Also, since luxury watches cost a lot and can be turned into cash pretty quickly, groups that do bad stuff like laundering money find them super appealing. People see fancy watches as signs of being rich and important which just makes thieves target them even more. If you own one of these high-value timepieces, it’s smart to know about all this and make sure you keep your watch safe from theft.


To wrap things up, the increase in thefts of Swiss watches around the world is causing big problems for both people who collect them and those selling luxury watches. Thieves use a bunch of different tricks that end up making insurance more expensive and complicated. To keep your fancy timepieces safe, experts suggest beefing up security and using new tech to prevent thefts. With all the issues around proving a watch is real and dealing with laws, it’s really important for collectors to be on their toes. By getting to know where these thefts happen most often and taking steps ahead of time, you can protect your valuable Swiss watches as things keep changing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to do if Your Swiss Watch is Stolen?

If someone steals your Swiss watch, you should first tell the police about it and give them all the details they need, like its serial number and anything else that makes it stand out. After that, make sure to let your insurance company know and put in a claim for it. By putting your stolen watch on lists such as The Watch Register, there’s also a chance you might get it back.

How to Verify the Authenticity of a Swiss Watch?

To check if a Swiss watch is real, you can look it up in databases such as The Watch Register. By searching the serial number and other details of the watch, this database lets you find out if it’s listed and belongs to the person who first bought it. Dealing with official sellers and doing your homework well are also good ways to make sure a luxury watch is genuine.

Are Certain Models More Likely to be Stolen?

Some luxury watch models, especially the Rolex Daytona, GMT, and Oyster Perpetual are prime targets for thieves. This is because they’re really popular and can be sold for a lot of money. Since these watches have such high value in the market, people who own them should be extra careful and take more steps to keep them safe from being stolen.

Can Technology Help Recover Stolen Watches?

With the rise in theft of watches, technology is playing a crucial role in getting them back. By adding GPS tracking and smart tech to high-end watches, it’s easier to find where these stolen items are and return them to who they belong to. Although this method isn’t perfect, it gives us hope by making thieves think twice before stealing luxury timepieces.

How to Choose the Right Insurance for Your Swiss Watch Collection?

Choosing the right insurance for your Swiss watch collection is really important to keep your valuable pieces safe. When you’re looking around for insurance, think about what the plan covers, how much it’s going to cost you in premiums, and whether the company offering it has a good track record. Make sure that whatever policy you pick includes protection against theft, loss, damage and even problems that might happen anywhere in the world. It’s also smart to get all of your watches checked out and listed officially; this makes dealing with any claims way easier down the line.

For those who have luxury watches or a whole bunch of them collected over time, talking to an expert in insurance who gets what watch owners need can be super helpful. They can help set up a plan that really looks after every part of your collection properly.












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